Ask McFartnuggets: “Why Are Cats Always Jerks?”

Dear McFartnuggets: Why are all cats always jerks? I mean they go around acting like they’re better than you and they’re not very affectionate. They just have this sense of arrogance and it’s like they enjoy ignoring people. Then even if they do learn to love you a little, what do they do? They show you […]

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Dumbass Sayings: “20 Years Young”

Sometimes you hear a person say some shit like “I’m currently 20 years young!” or “I’m 18 years young!” Let’s get one thing straight, you can’t say “years young” to describe your age when you’re literally young. “Years young” is what old people say to make themselves feel better about quickly approaching their inevitable demise. […]

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Ask McFartnuggets: “Are Slutty Halloween Costumes Sexist?”

Dear McFartnuggets:  How come slutty Halloween costumes are so popular? Every costume has a slutty version like Slutty Raggedy Ann, Slutty Joker, Slutty Abraham Lincoln, Slutty Jesus. When does it end? Aren’t these sexist? Why do companies offer these costumes that objectify women? Why can’t people just dress like normal Halloween characters? Halloween costumes should […]

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Ask McFartnuggets: “I Accidentally Sent The Wrong File With a Job Application What Do I Do?”

Dear McFartnuggets:  I’ve been applying to a ton of jobs lately and so I’ve been entering job applications online several at a time to improve my chances. Last night I was a little drunk and my finger slipped when I was attaching my resume and instead I accidentally clicked the wrong file in my computer […]

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Ask McFartnuggets: “What’s The Difference Between Summa Cum Laude and Magnum Cum Laude?”

Dear McFartnuggets:  I’m trying to graduate from college soon and all I hear from people on campus is “Oh I’m make the sumo cum loud!” or “I gotta get magnum cum loud!” What on earth are these people talking about? You’re trying to make a sumo wrestler cum loudly? That’s gross. Whether you use a […]

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Dumbass Sayings: “Person of Color”

For some reason the politically correct term for anyone who isn’t White is considered a “person of color.” Even Hispanics, Asians, and Albino African American people who physically have the same skin color as average White people fall under the classification of “people of color.” Obviously that makes no sense. It’s not like people’s ethnicity […]

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